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Cruzader Dummies' Guide Complete

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Cruzader Dummies' Guide Complete Empty Cruzader Dummies' Guide Complete

Post  aupior Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:01 pm

Dummies' Guide to Crusader Builds
Table of Contents:

1.) Introduction [XA001]
2.) Crusader Skills [XA002]
3.) Section 1 [XA003]
A.) Build 1: Chuck’s Traditional Slasher [XA003A]
B.) Build 2: Pure Agi [XA003B]
C.) Build 3: Con Slasher [XA003C]
D.) Build 4: Forsaken City Crusader [XA003D]
5.) Section 2: Archetypes [XA004]
6.) Section 3: Fighting Methods [XA005]
A.) Training [XA005A]
B.) Bossing [XA005B]
C.) PVP [XA005C]
7.) Section 4: Training Locations [XA006]
8.) Section 5: Closing Remarks and Thanks [XA007]

Introduction: [XA001]

I know there are a lot of crusader guides already out there, but people still believe they are confusing. In an attempt to reduce the confusion, I am going to pool together everything I have learned over the course of playing as a crusader in hopes that it will alleviate some of the confusion out there. This guide will really be a collection of builds that a crusader can have and it will investigate all of the positive and negative points of each. This is not chucks guide, it uses concepts and elements from his guide and he will be credited at the end. Everyone wants a road map, so here you go.

Crusader Skills [XA002]

concentration.jpg (831 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Concentration: Increases hit rate so you don’t miss so much. Kind of useless since you will forge lustrious gems later.

sword mastery.jpg (911 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Sword Mastery: Increases damage by 4 for each lvl.

IS.jpg (715 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Illusion Slash: Ranged energy attack and all around bad ass move. Will be your primary damage dealer.

Berserk.jpg (845 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Berserk: Increases ASPD temporarily

DSM.jpg (861 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Dual Sword Mastery: Increases effectiveness of off-hand sword by 8% per lvl. A crusaders most important skill.

BF.jpg (675 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Blood Frenzy: Increases ASPD for each lvl.

SS.jpg (860 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Shadow Slash: Stuns opponent

Deftness.jpg (786 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Deftness: Increases dodge by 3 points per lvl.

Stealth.jpg (908 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Stealth: Makes a crusader invisible and impervious to damage for a given period of time.

PD.jpg (775 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Poison Dart: Poisons Opponent

WoS.jpg (820 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Will of Steel: Temporarily Increases Defense. (Not really worthwhile)

BA.jpg (838 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Break Armor: Temporarily decreases defense of opponent.

TR.jpg (911 Bytes)

3-3-2008 13:10 Tiger Roar: Temporarily decreases attack and movement speed of opponent in an area.

Section 2: Crusder Builds [XA003]

Build 1: Chuck’s Traditional Slasher [XA003A]

This has become the standard build on TOP for crusaders and has become one of the reasons why they are disputed as being overpowered.

Days as a Noob/Swordsman:

This time will function as your time to setup your slasher build. You don’t just BECOME a slasher when you pass the Crusader promotion quest, it starts here with proper stat and skill distribution. Poor stat and skill distribution at the lower classes are the major downfall and cause of broken crusader builds.

Stat Distribution:

As a slasher you will concentrate on attack speed (ASPD) and use this to drive you in your stat distribution. You have 2 targets 140 ASPD (first multiplier) and 210 ASPD (second multiplier). At these “multipliers” your Illusion Slash damage is basically doubled making you an efficient killing machine. How high you actually pump agi will be determined by what equipment you expect to get at higher levels. Stat distribution will be simple, pump your base agi to 55 or 60. 60 will make it pretty easy to hit 210 ASPD later with less expensive equips. But your base agi that you shoot for will be determined by the equipment you believe you will have. Equipment and 210 ASPD requirements will be covered in the Archetypes section.

Lvl 1 – 35: 50 total stat points

Agi = 55

Lvl 36 – 40: 9 stat points

Agi = 60
Str = 9

This is for an easy early 210 ASPD. To get a little more Str, you could go for:

Agi = 55
Str = 14

This becomes your call. I went for 60 base Agi, but I may get some resets later. Check the Equipments and Archetypes section to determine the Agi you are shooting for based on your equipment setup.

Skill distribution:

You will want to do the minimum till you get all of your basic skills and then go back and pump Illusion Slash. From lvl 31-40 you will need to save your skill points for crusader skills. Simply follow this skill tree and you will be on the right path:

Lvls 10-23:

Concentration ---> lvl 2
Sword Mastery --> lvl 3
Illusion Slash -----> lvl 4
Berserk ------------> lvl 5

Total Points Allocated: 14

Lvl 24 – 29:

Illusion Slash --> lvl 10

At lvl 29 you have successfully maxed Illusion Slash and have covered all of the necessary setup for becoming a crusader. At this point you can make a choice, use your extra point you gain when reaching lvl 30 and put it in Sword Mastery (increases your dmg) or hold it to place in shiny new skill when you become a crusader. Its up to you, but I recommend you save it. Just make sure you follow a few simple guidelines:

1.) NEVER put more than 2 points in concentration. This may increase your hit rate and allow you to land more blows on a monster, but you miss out on putting that point somewhere more important which will help you. Plus, your going to be primarily relying on Illusion Slash for damage, you will be fast so you will attack faster and have more chances to hit, and later on you will be forging lustrious gems which will increase your hit rate for you.
2.) Do Not put more than 5 points in Berserk. It does increase your ASPD for a given time and helps you hit your 210 aspd multiplier, but at later lvls you will have 210 ASPD without using berserk. At that point every extra skill point you allocated are wasted points on a skill your don’t rely on anymore.
3.) Don’t jump the gun and pump Sword Mastery too high. I know the increased damage is tempting but crusader skills are more important.
4.) Forget about the other skills like Will of Steel, Break Armor, blah blah blah. Those are tempting and COULD be useful but you delay more important crusader skills and you can always get them at later lvls.

Equipment Note: This is a special note for the equipment setup for swordsman. As soon as you hit the new levels don’t buy new boots and gloves every time you can. Money can be hard to come by at lower lvls so stick to the noob box armor and maybe add some lvl 30 gloves and boots. Also, to help you survive I suggest picking up a shield at lower lvls to help you survive and abandon the shield when the noob box gives you a free warrior sword. When you get the warrior sword, USE IT. I know people think using two swords looks cool, but face facts. Without dual sword mastery the second sword does nothing. I actually checked out the damage output and you do more damage with the warrior sword than you do with any 2 low lvl swords. Plus, if you use what’s free you save money to buy a full set of lvl 40 crusader equips. So lets follow the check list:

[ ] Use Noob Box Equips
[ ] Use 1 Sword + Shield (I WANNA LIVE)
[ ] Use Warrior Sword (Its Free)

(plzz this post is original from Rman0099 IT IS NOT MY WORCK)


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Join date : 2009-01-14

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Cruzader Dummies' Guide Complete Empty Moving on Up to a Crusader

Post  aupior Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:02 pm

Moving on Up to a Crusader

Stat Distribution:

By now you have reached your target agi and are pumping str full to 100. After 100 base str, you will just pump con. This helps you with survivability. Con is not a priority for a slahser since they are all about killing fast and moving on before taking too much damage. If you want to add a little con, add maybe an extra 5-10 but really no more than that. Try to stick with str to increase IS damage.

Skill Distribution:

There are many different roads you can take but all primarily lead you back to the same place eventually. I will give my recommendation then justify it at the end.

Lvl 40: 11 Skill Points

Dual Sword Mastery --> lvl 10
Blood Frenzy --> lvl 1

Don’t argue just do it. I know you all want stealth because it seems cool but without dual sword mastery you might as well be holding a piece of poop in your second hand since that sword sure isn’t doing anything right now.

Lvl 41- 50

Blood Frenzy ----> lvl 5
Shadow Slash --> lvl 1
Deftness ---------> lvl 3
Stealth -----------> lvl 1
Blood Frenzy ---> lvl 10

I recommend this setup for the following reasons:

1.) Blood Frenzy to lvl 5 first since it adds ASPD which contributes to your dmg output from attacking faster and IS dmg. But I chose not to max blood frenzy up front since your additional crusader skills can help you survive and train better than the extra ASPD (in my opinion). Face it, at lvl 45 you are probably not going to reach 210 aspd anyway so who cares how close you can get since you get no bonuses UNTIL 210.
2.) Shadow slash next since its only 1 skill point away and helps you survive by stunning the opponent so you can kill it or run away before it kills you.
3.) Stealth lvl 1 is helpful and is the ultimate “OH NO, I’M ABOUT TO DIE! RUN AWAY!!!!” skill.
4.) Max Blood frenzy next since, well you need it to help with 210 ASPD.

Here is where the road diverges. If you are a maze/pvp crusader maxing shadow slash may be your next move, or you might add a few points in stealth. To me, adding points to stealth is really the last thing you should worry about. At lvl 1, you can already stealth long enough to wait out the cool down period. So in effect, when you come out of stealth you can just re-stealth right after. If you do add to stealth, I would not place more than 3 pts in it since there is no real benefit to max stealth. You can throw maxing sword mastery in there at some point if you want some extra damage, but where you put it is up to you. I would increase Shadow Slash to 5, alternate deftness and shadow slash until stun is maxed, then alternate sword mastery and deftness. I leave this part open since this is part of customizing your character and after the initial setup at lvl 50, you can’t break your build too terribly.

Equipment Discussion:

I recommend that at every 5 lvl increment you buy a full set of new equips (2 aspd swords, armor, gauntlets, and greaves). These are very important and help A LOT with training. If you can get ahold of it, buy lvl 45 unsealed swords and armor. If not, buy evanescence chests at lvl 50 and enigma at lvl 60. Just don’t use the Kylin Blades (from enigma chest) since they don’t add ASPD.

Build 2: Pure AGI (AKA, the Speed Demon) [XA003B]

Stat Distribution:

This is pretty simple. Just keep pumping agi until you reach 100 base agi and then switch. You can go to str or you can go to con. Most likely you will want to go to str. Given your insane dodge from all the agi most mobs probably won't hit you and because you will want to work on maxing your damage output.

Skill Distribution

Skill point allocation will go exactly as described above. The only difference is that you will have less priority on maxing deftness. You agi will be adding tons of natural dodge for you so this can be one of your last to worry about maxing. Although, more can never hurt.


1.) This build will be extremely fast. It will basically be a blur on the screen as it attacks with decent IS damage. Its IS damage will suffer above the 210 aspd mark since you do not gain any extra bonuses for ASPD above 210. Slashers will have a higher IS damage because they will be adding str before you and it increases IS dmg with every point.
2.) Damage per attack will be lower than the slasher BUT this build will attack much more frequently so the melee damage output may even out.
3.) Low defense with no chance to add to base con even at higher lvls.

I personally do not endorse this build since extra agi does nothing to help with damage and if you need extra dodge, just add some gems of wind or shadow gems to your boots. Higher lvl mobs have extremely high defense (lizards on summer for example) and you need more str to be able to break that defense and damage them. With pure agi you will have a lot of trouble doing that and will rely mostly on BD Eyes, Rage Gems, and Fiery Gems to get your damage to where it should be.

Equipment Note: This is the one build that I will endorse to use the Blades of Kylin from enigma chests. Since you already have massive amounts of agi, you don’t necessarily need to have ASPD bonuses to reach the 210 multiplier. They will be your best weapons if you cannot find unsealed DoE’s or BoE’s.


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Join date : 2009-01-14

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Cruzader Dummies' Guide Complete Empty Build 3: Con Tank Slasher – “GOD AMONG CRUSADERS”

Post  aupior Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:04 pm

Build 3: Con Tank Slasher – “GOD AMONG CRUSADERS” [XA003C]

You may wonder why I call this the “GOD”, but it is true. A con slasher crusader CAN be the most powerful character in the game. This character will NOT be a shining star early on, FAR from it actually. But at high lvls, when you have unsealed equips and the proper gems, this crusader will flourish like no other. My recommendation is that this is NOT your first crusader. This would be a second crusader that you make after you have made a traditional slasher and used him to acquire great equipment and gem them. Then create this guy and use your slasher to plvl him until he can wear the top shelf equips.

Stat Distribution

lvl 1-2 (5 stat points)

Agi --> 10

Lvl 3 – 66 (95 stat points)

Con --> 100

Lvl 67+


The initial agi is to get you to 10 which is about what you'll need later (with bonuses from armor/gems) to reach 210 ASPD. It is possible to throw in another 1-5 points into agi, but no more. And if you want a little more damage, you could alternate str after you have reached between 70 and 75 con. At that point you will be tanking pretty decently anyway.

Skill Distribution:

Requires the same normal setup as a slasher type crusader. After lvl 50 you’re priorities will be a bit different from a normal crusader. Your goals are to tank and deal damage with Illusion slash, so your goal may be to max deftness before anything else. After that increasing stun may help others survive, but you could add will of steel (for more def), or go to break armor then tiger roar to try to slow down monsters and draw some additional agro.


1.) Very high defense and amazing survivability.
2.) Damage may be lacking until later lvls since str is not the top priority of stats to increase.
3.) He will be very slow until you forge Gems of Wind into his boots to give him the extra agi he will so sorely need. High lvl unsealed equips will remedy this as well.
4.) With proper unsealed equips and gems, his ASPD will be able to reach 210 and his str will be boosted to normal lvls. You will enjoy 2K+ IS damage as well ridiculously high HP. So basically you will dish out more damage than other characters can take and absorb it yourself. See why he is a god?

Remember, he is only great IF you can get him the best equips, plenty of gems to drives his aspd to 210, and bring his str up to acceptable lvls. He will also need a high lvl str pet to help him along. If you can pull this off, he has the POTENTAIL to be the best build.

Build 4: Forsaken City Crusader – God Forgive Me [XA003D]

I am starting this build with a disclaimer. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BUILD THIS GUY AND EXPECT TO BE A FUNTCIONAL CRUSADER There I said it. This is a broken build that WILL cause you a lot of grief and will take until your 60’s to repair its skills. Because of the stat distribution it will never work as a slasher since it is not geared to achieving 210 ASPD and never have the melee damage output of a slasher. The only reason I add it is because it has gained popularity in the forums. The only function of this build is to solo the maze Forsaken City and I in no way endorse using this crusader for any other function. If you make him, his lvl maxes at 45, you farm FC, and when your tired of that this guy goes away forever. AGAIN, do not create this build and expect to be a proficient crusader later on.

OK, I am going to keep this short and sweet since I don't care about this build. If you want a more detailed description then check out Enderprodigy's guide in the guide index. So here it goes. Your goal will be to hit 140 aspd. If you try for 210, then you won't be effective as you will not have great str for melee dmg and not enough con to solo. I am going to assume for the purposes of this guide you will be using 2 blades of incantation, with unslealed platemail of the cursed soul, and stock lvl 45 gauntlets/greaves. At the 14% archetype (2 BoI's) you will need an operating AGI of 31 and 25 base agi if you have unsealed platemail of the crused soul (with maxed blood frenzy). The way I see it you have 2 options:

1.) Max Blood Frenzy and lose 5 stat points.
2.) Leave Blood Frenzy at 5 but require more AGI to reach the 140 ASPD breakpoint.

Option 1:

Stat Distribution:

Basically pump your agi to 25 at the start then Distribute the rest between STR and CON. Given your lack of AGI your dodge will be lacking so you will still need a little bit more CON than the usualy crusader to tank effectively. You may want to go with a 2:1 or 5:3 ratio of STR:CON. Just keep it as a heavier concentration on STR. If you were more worried about DMG then go with 3:1 STR:CON.

Skill Distribution:

Lvls 10-23:

Concentration ---> lvl 2
Sword Mastery --> lvl 3
Illusion Slash -----> lvl 4
Berserk ------------> lvl 5

Lvl 24 – 29:

Illusion Slash --> lvl 10

Lvl 40 - 45

Dual Sword Mastery --> lvl 2
Blood Frenzy ------------> lvl 10
Shadow Slash -----------> lvl 3
Deftness ------------------> lvl 3
Stealth --------------------> lvl 2

Now, if you still want more stat points for stun then you could hold a few points off of Illusion slash. Maxing Illusion Slash is a good idea but if you want to hold your enemies or the boss for longer then you may want more points in Shadow Slash.

Option 2:

Stat Distribution:

Without the extra 5 points in Blood Frenzy you will need an extra 5 AGI. Basically pump your agi to 30 at the start then Distribute the rest between STR and CON. Given your lack of AGI your dodge will be lacking so you will still need a little bit more CON than the usualy crusader to tank effectively. You may want to go with a 2:1 or 5:3 ratio of STR:CON. Just keep it as a heavier concentration on STR. If you were more worried about DMG then go with 3:1 STR:CON. You can counteract the loss of ASPD from Blood Frenzy by equipping the Fish Ring and save yourself about 4 AGI. With the fish ring pump your AGI to 25 to start then continue as previously discussed.

Skill Distribution:

Lvls 10-23:

Concentration ---> lvl 2
Sword Mastery --> lvl 3
Illusion Slash -----> lvl 4
Berserk ------------> lvl 5

Lvl 24 – 29:

Illusion Slash --> lvl 10

Lvl 40 - 45

Dual Sword Mastery --> lvl 2
Blood Frenzy ------------> lvl 5
Shadow Slash -----------> lvl 7
Deftness ------------------> lvl 3
Stealth --------------------> lvl 3

With this you can Stun and Stealth longer. Again, if you want to gain more in Stun and Stealth you could limit your avoid maxing Illusion Slash. Its your choice how you want to break your crusader. Who knows, you could even use the points from Blood Frenzy to put them into DSM instead of Stealth and Stun to increase your damage.

Section 2: ASPD and Archetypes [XA004]

NOTE: All Archetypes assume maxed Blood Frenzy.

Archetype 1: Full Sistine

ASPD Bonus:
2 x Spikes of Sistine: 5% ASPD each
Total: +10% ASPD

AGI Bonus:
2 x Spike of Sistine: +2 AGI each
Battle Armor: +4 AGI
Gauntlets: +2 AGI
Greaves: +2 AGI
Total: +12 AGI

Oparating Agi: 33 (140)
76 (210)
Base Agi: 21 (140)
64 (210)

w/Fish Scale Ring
ASPD Bonus: +15% (+10% from swords and 5% from ring)
Oparating Agi: 30 (140)
71 (210)
Base Agi: 18 (140)
59 (210)

Archetype 2: Full lvl 45 Unsealed w/Sistine Filler

ASPD Bonus:
2 x Blade of Incantation: 7% ASPD each
Total: +14% ASPD

AGI Bonus:
2 x Blade of Incantation: +0 AGI each
Platemail of Cursed Soul: +6 AGI
Gauntlets of Sistine: +2 AGI
Greaves of Sistine: +2 AGI
Total: +10 AGI

Oparating Agi: 31 (140)
72 (210)
Base Agi: 21 (140)
62 (210)

w/Fish Scale Ring
ASPD Bonus: +19% (+14% from swords and 5% from ring)
Oparating Agi: 28 (140)
67 (210)
Base Agi: 18 (140)
57 (210)

Archetype 3: Kylin Set with Sistine Spikes

ASPD Bonus:
2 x Spikes of Sistine: 5% ASPD each
Total: +10% ASPD

AGI Bonus:
2 x Spike of Sistine: +2 AGI each
Battle Armor of Kyin: +5 AGI
Gauntlets of Kyin: +3 AGI
Greaves of Kyin: +3 AGI
Total: +15 AGI

Oparating Agi: 34 (140)
76 (210)
Base Agi: 19 (140)
61 (210)

w/Fish Scale Ring
ASPD Bonus: +15% (+10% from swords and 5% from ring)
Oparating Agi: 30 (140)
70 (210)
Base Agi: 15 (140)
55 (210)

Archetype 4: Kylin Set with Incantation Blades

ASPD Bonus:
2 x Blades of Incantation: 7% ASPD each
Total: +14% ASPD

AGI Bonus:
2 x Blades of Incantation: +0 AGI each
Battle Armor of Kyin: +5 AGI
Gauntlets of Kyin: +3 AGI
Greaves of Kyin: +3 AGI
Total: +11 AGI

Oparating Agi: 31 (140)
72 (210)
Base Agi: 21 (140)
61 (210)

w/Fish Scale Ring
ASPD Bonus: +19% (+14% from swords and 5% from ring)
Oparating Agi: 28 (140)
67 (210)
Base Agi: 18 (140)
57 (210)


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Cruzader Dummies' Guide Complete Empty Archetype 5: Unsealed lvl 45 with Kylin Filler

Post  aupior Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:05 pm

ASPD Bonus:
2 x Blades of Incantation: 7% ASPD each
Total: +14% ASPD

AGI Bonus:
2 x Blades of Incantation: +0 AGI each
Platemail of the Cursed Soul: +6 AGI
Gauntlets of Kyin: +3 AGI
Greaves of Kyin: +3 AGI
Total: +12 AGI

Oparating Agi: 31 (140)
72 (210)
Base Agi: 19 (140)
60 (210)

w/Fish Scale Ring
ASPD Bonus: +19% (+14% from swords and 5% from ring)
Oparating Agi: 28 (140)
67 (210)
Base Agi: 16 (140)
55 (210)

Archetype 6: Dance of Eva + Platemail of the Cursed Soul with Kylin Filler

ASPD Bonus:
2 x Dance of Eva: 8% ASPD each
Total: +16% ASPD

AGI Bonus:
2 x Dance of Eva: +0 AGI each
Platemail of the Cursed Soul: +6 AGI
Gauntlets of Kyin: +3 AGI
Greaves of Kyin: +3 AGI
Total: +12 AGI

Oparating Agi: 29 (140)
69 (210)
Base Agi: 17 (140)
57 (210)

w/Fish Scale Ring
ASPD Bonus: +21% (+16% from swords and 5% from ring)
Oparating Agi: 26 (140)
64 (210)
Base Agi: 14 (140)
52 (210)

Archetype 7: Full lvl 55 Unsealed

ASPD Bonus:
2 x Dance of Eva: 8% ASPD each
Total: +16% ASPD

AGI Bonus:
2 x Dance of Eva: +0 AGI each
Battle Armor of Eva: +8 AGI
Gauntlets of Eva: +2 AGI
Greaves of Eva: +2 AGI
Total: +12 AGI

Oparating Agi: 29 (140)
69 (210)
Base Agi: 17 (140)
57 (210)

w/Fish Scale Ring
ASPD Bonus: +21% (+16% from swords and 5% from ring)
Oparating Agi: 26 (140)
64 (210)
Base Agi: 14 (140)
52 (210)

Archetype 8: Blades of Engima + Platemail of the Cursed Soul and Kylin Filler

ASPD Bonus:
2 x Blades of Enigma: 10% ASPD each
Total: +20% ASPD

AGI Bonus:
2 x Blades Enigma: +0 AGI each
Platemail of the Cursed Soul: +6 AGI
Gauntlets of Kylin: +3 AGI
Greaves of Kylin: +3 AGI
Total: +12 AGI

Oparating Agi: 27 (140)
65 (210)
Base Agi: 15 (140)
55 (210)

w/Fish Scale Ring
ASPD Bonus: +25% (+20% from swords and 5% from ring)
Oparating Agi: 24 (140)
60 (210)
Base Agi: 12 (140)
48 (210)

Archetype 9: Dance of Eva with Unsealed Enigma and Kylin Filler

ASPD Bonus:
2 x Dance of Eva: 8% ASPD each
Total: +16% ASPD

AGI Bonus:
2 x Blades of Enigma: +0 AGI each
Battle Armor of Enigma: +10 AGI
Gauntlets of Kylin: +3 AGI
Greaves of Kylin: +3 AGI
Total: +16 AGI

Oparating Agi: 29 (140)
69 (210)
Base Agi: 13 (140)
53 (210)

w/Fish Scale Ring
ASPD Bonus: +21% (+16% from swords and 5% from ring)
Oparating Agi: 26 (140)
64 (210)
Base Agi: 10 (140)
48 (210)

Archetype 10: Full Unsealed Enigma with Kylin Filler

ASPD Bonus:
2 x Blades of Enigma: 10% ASPD each
Total: +20% ASPD

AGI Bonus:
2 x Blades of Enigma: +0 AGI each
Battle Armor of Enigma: +10 AGI
Gauntlets of Kylin: +3 AGI
Greaves of Kylin: +3 AGI
Total: +16 AGI

Oparating Agi: 27 (140)
65 (210)
Base Agi: 11 (140)
49 (210)

w/Fish Scale Ring
ASPD Bonus: +25% (+20% from swords and 5% from ring)
Oparating Agi: 24 (140)
60 (210)
Base Agi: 9 (140)
44 (210)

Archetype Discussion and Recommendations:

For all intents and purposes archetypes (to me) start at level 50 where you are actually able to get your first set of worthwhile chest equipment (Sistine), and this is where you should start. I recommend starting with Archetype 1 unless you are able to get your newbie hands on some level 45 unseals. In this post Black Market economy there are still a few sets floating around for you to get. Archetype 2 is the ideal setup, but not everyone can get a full level 45 set. The most important part of that Archetype is the Platemail of the Cursed Soul. This armor will serve you until level 65 when you can replace it with armor of enigma. So if you can only manage the level 45 armor get that and fill in with Sistine Spikes, Gauntlets, and Greaves.

Assuming you could not find any level 45 unsealed armor, at level 60 Archetype 3 is the ideal one to choose. People may argue this point with Kylin Blades or Wyrm Swords. First, Kylin sucks since you will either be working with a 0% archetype or a 5% archetype if you have a fish ring. At that point you may not be hitting the holy land of 210 ASPD and you are less effective regardless of having better STR bonuses and base damage. Secondly, Wyrm swords MAY be stronger than Spikes but they also do not have nice little AGI and STR bonuses. This is not to say you cannot find a Wyrm with those bonuses, but they are rare. The truly ideal case at level 60 is Archetype 5 or even 6 if you are that lucky (but I am guessing 6 will come a little later unless you are in a powerful guild). If you can’t fulfill archetype 5 then a nice archetype would be 3.5. Basically Archetype 3 but with Platemail of the Cursed Soul.

One Archetype I do not endorse though, is archetype 7. It is nice from levels 55 – 59, but once you hit 60 the Eva Gauntlets and Greaves are not as good as Kylin. If you compare Archetypes 6 and 7 you see that you require the same base agi to hit 210 ASPD but there is a second story you can’t see from that chart. Kylin Gauntlets and Greaves give better STR, DEF, hit rate, and dodge. Overall you are better off with Archetype 6 than 7. The level 55 unsealed armor is superior to level 45 in everyway so if you don’t mind the mottled look, get it and give yourself an archetype 6.5. But I would recommend holding off and saving your money for Armor of Enigma.

Your ultimate goal would be Archetype 10 but Archetype 9 is still great. If you are “stuck” with DoE’s then you are just fine. If you noticed I did not cover Draken swords. I didn’t simply because by level 75 will already have chose one of the lower level archetypes and be set in. If you are considering this remember that you will be a 10% ASPD archetype so plan accordingly and/or have Gems of Wind forged into your greaves to overcome the ASPD loss.

Since my archetypes don’t cover EVERY permutation of ASPD, here is a little chart courtesy of chuck that shows your operating AGI to reach 140/210 ASPD:

0% ASPD - 42/88 AGI
5% ASPD - 38/82 AGI
7% ASPD - 36/80 AGI
8% ASPD - 36/79 AGI
10% ASPD - 34/76 AGI
11% ASPD - 33/75 AGI
12% ASPD - 32/74 AGI
13% ASPD - 32/72 AGI
14% ASPD - 31/72 AGI
15% ASPD - 30/70 AGI
16% ASPD - 29/69 AGI
17% ASPD - 28/68 AGI
18% ASPD - 28/68 AGI
19% ASPD - 28/67 AGI
20% ASPD - 27/65 AGI
21% ASPD - 26/64 AGI
22% ASPD - 25/64 AGI
23% ASPD - 24/63 AGI
24% ASPD - 24/62 AGI
25% ASPD - 24/60 AGI
26% ASPD - 23/60 AGI
27% ASPD - 22/59 AGI
28% ASPD - 21/58 AGI
29% ASPD - 21/57 AGI
30% ASPD - 20/56 AGI
31% ASPD - 20/56 AGI

General Equipment Recommendations:


1.) Once you hit archetype 5 or 6 you should no longer require using the fish ring to reach 210 aspd. So abandon this for an attack ring, defense ring (if you need the boost), or hit rate ring (if you haven’t begun forging yet).

2.) A level 60 resist necklace is perfect for use while training especially if you haven’t reached the top archetypes yet. But once you have you can switch to a movement necklace to boost your killing speed. Or if you don’t have a fairy, you can go with an SP regen necklace to help prevent you from sitting to recover SP.

3.) If you can find unique rings then my recommendation is 2 Peter’s Calls all the way. The +10 str from each is very nice and can’t be matched. Although if you wanted a CON ring for survivability that is understandable.


1.) Fiery Gem: A minor gem that adds a small amount of damage to your sword when forged. This is mostly appropriate for lower level weapons (spikes, wyrms, kylin) and should not really be put into higher level swords (DoE, BoE, Draken). Why not in high level swords? Simply because these may be your final swords and if you ever end up with a BD eye, you will want a place to put it. If you do forge a fiery into top tier sword, make sure it is in slot 1. That way it is easy to remove if you do get that eye.

2.) Lustrous Gem: Adds +5 hit-rate to gloves and swords. For a crusader this is a must and should ONLY be forged into gloves. Although you may be able to sneak by when forging into a low level weapon, but I don’t really endorse a lot of low lvl forging since it is expensive.

3.) Shadow Gem: Adds +2 dodge to greaves or swords. Again another must for crusaders and another no-no to forge into swords. I prefer to fill my swords with attack gems and now waste weapon spots with passive gems. If you do wreck a DoE or BoE with one of these, please put it on slot 1 so it is easy to remove later.

4.) Gem of Rage: Adds +5 STR to swords. An absolute must for all crusader swords.

5.) Gem of Striking: Adds +5 ACC to gloves. This is a good gem to forge since it will give you that increased accuracy crusaders have been trying to compensate for with tons of agi. These gems are a little pricey though considering their effect. +5 acc only gives a crusader +3 hit rate. In essence a Lustrious gem is more effective for MUCH less gold as it provides a full +5 hit rate.

6.) Gem of Wind: Adds +5 AGI to greaves. This is a good way to lower your base agi and free up more points for STR or even CON if you have already maxed STR.

7.) Eye of the Black Dragon: Adds +50 to your min/max attack when forged into swords. Definately recmonded. You can't beat a BD Eye/Rage combo sword.

8.) Soul of the Black Dragon: Adds +3 Physical Resist to your armor or shield. This is like equipping your PR necklace with each forging. If you get it, forge it.

9.) Heart of the Black Dragon: Adds +500 HP to boots/gloves. Given your boots may contain a shadow/wind combo and Striking Gems are crap. This is great for crusader gauntlets. But if you lose the shadows, jam a few of these in your greaves too. Who cares about a few pts of dodge when you get an extra 500 HP per gem!!


1st Generation Fairies:

Any 1st gen fairy is fine. They all do the same thing. Just pick one that looks cool and go with it. The basic philosphy with gen 1 fairies is to figure out your goal for them. Are you keeping them for good or are you breeding it to create a gen 2 fairy. These will effect how you raise your fairy. Here I will assume you know what you want to do and I will discuss breeding strategies with the gen 2. Skill wise, I would give the fairy meditation and recover. Meditation is a must for Crusaders since they have low SP and low SP regen. Meditation will give you endless SP, allowing you to stay stealthed as long as you like and send out enless Illusion Slashes. Recover on the other hand isn't all that great but its a nice to have. It increases HP regen but itsn't as effective as I would have hoped. Some will go with berserk as a secondary skill over recover or will have both Recover and Berserk. Berserk increases your chance for critical hits so this is more of a "nice to have" as well. Its up to you what skills you want to put on your fairy. When you teach your fairy a new skill it has the chance to forget an old one. Also keep in mind that when a fairy knows 3 skills it consumes more SP. Since I didn't like the idea of running out of rations any faster than normal and it took me 3 tries for my fairy to learn both Meditation and Recover, I stuck with 2 skills.

2 skills NOT to get are Standard Magic and Protection. Standard Magic is uselsess for crusaders. It increases magic damage. Considering crusader do not deal magic damage, this is a wasted skill. There may be debate about protection but this is a personal preference of mine. Protection can be a life saver as it allows your fairy to absorb damage that was meant for you to keep you alive. The only problem is the damage is translated into SP and when your fairy absorbs a hit, it loses SP. This SP does not translate to EXP for your fairy so it is, in effect, wasted SP. I hate the idea of taking a hit and wasting a ration. But again, its your choice.

While raising your fairy you will want to go for a pure stat fairy. I know some people LOVE their con/str fairy or their str with 2 pts of agi. The only problem with that is mix stat fairies have an increased rate of failure when leveling up. To me, the failure is not worth it. Plus, if you want a mixed stat fairy just raise a gen 2 fairy with the described strategy below. So, as far as pure stat fairies go crusaders have 2 viable options: pure con or pure str.

Pure Str fairy. My choice and the standard for crusaders. It gives nice boosts to both melee and IS damage and helps you further break that 100 stat limit.

Pure con will give you the additional survivability that crusaders need and a nice bump in HP with every pet lvl. You damage will be lower that people with a pure str fairy, but they won't be able to tank like you can.

Some people want to raise an agi pet but face facts, its pointless. Lets say with your fairy at level 15 you have all the agi you need for 210 aspd. When it comes time to level it again you are faced with either add more agi (which won't help increase dmg) or now create a mixed stat pet and induce the wrath of the pet level gods. The other problem comes if you forge a gem of wind into your boots. Oops, 5 agi on your pet you no longer need. Currently there are resets for your character but not your pet.

[ Last edited by Rman0099 at 3-3-2008 16:28 ]


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Cruzader Dummies' Guide Complete Empty VErry usefull TIPS

Post  aupior Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:07 pm

There is debate on which second gen pet is the best. The answer is another question. What are you looking for? Its all dependant on how you want to use your pet. So there are 2 routes you can go:

1.) Pure stat fairy that matches the appropriate stat so you can double it during posession.
2.) Pure stat fairy of opposing stat so you get bonuses in 2 stats during posession

Strategy 1:
This strategy uses the posession skill to its full potential. The best fairy for this strategy would be a Mordo Jr. This little guy doubles whatever stat he has on him during posession and increases exp and item drop rates. So lets say you have a lvl 21 pure str Mordo Jr, during possesion he will now be giving you +42 str. If you cannot find a Mordo Jr then raising a pure str Fairy of Str or pure con Fairy of Con will exploit posession in exactly the same way (if you raise them pure Str and pure Con respectively). The only difference is that the non-Mordo Jr pure stat fairies will not be doubleing exp and item drop rates. Those additional effects are the ONLY reason why Mordo Jr is better if you are raising a pure stat fairy.

Strategy 2:
This strategy allows you to gain 2 stats for the price of 1 fairy. So lets say you normally want the str bonus but during certain times (bossing) you would like a con bonus. If you raise a pure str fairy of con, you will have the increased str all the time (like a regular gen 1) but will gain con when you activate posession. So if you have a lvl 21 pure str Fairy of Con, during possesion you will see +21 str and +21 con. This could definately come in pretty handy. You could do the same and raise a pure con Fairy of Str to help you survive but add extra str in critical moments. If it were Mordo Jr, you would have to raise a lvl 20 mixed con/str Mordo Jr (10/10) to see a +20 Str and +20 Con bonus. Given the increased failure rates, I would not want to risk failing on raising my Mordo Jr.

So if you compare, Mordo Jr is the ultimate pet if you are employing strategy 1 since he not only doubles your stats but gives you additional bonuses. But if your goal is strategy 2, then mordo fails since you would have to raise a mixed stat Mordo Jr to see similar bonuses during posession. A good note to follow is that if you DO NOT plan on using possesion nor do you want to waste additional fairy stamina on posession, then raise a gen 1 fairy. The only difference between gen 1 and gen 2 fairies is that gen 2 fairies look different and allow you to double stats during posession.

There is one interesting was to exploit the posession system. Lets say you have a nice lvl 24 pet and you want a gen 2 pet for posession. BUT you dont want to go through the cost and time of raising it to match your current pet. So you find someone else who has a pet and you marry it. You end up with a gen 2 pet and your (now reduced) lvl 20 Gen 1 pet. What you can do is equip your gen 2 pet (lvl 8 after marriage), activate posession with it equipped, then switch faires so that your lvl 20 gen 1 pet is now active. Now instead of the standard +20 stat from the gen 1 pet, you have a +28 stat!!! Now this is even better when you married your lvl 41 pet so its now lvl 37 and you still have that up and coming 2nd gen. Lets say your second gen hits lvl 30 but its still lacking that extra 7 str punch. With the old poss and switch you get:

37 STR (1st gen) + 30 STR (2nd Gen) = +67 STR!!!!

You just made out like a bandit....or should I say pirate! =P

Note: You cannot activate posession with your gen 1 pet equipped. Posession is a gen 2 ONLY skill, you must activate it with your gen 2 then switch. It may be a hassle to keep 2 fairies in your inventory, but its a way to aviod spending the money to raise a another pet to lvl 20 and continue to raise your gen 1.

Fighting Methods: [XA005]


Training for crusaders kind of goes in stages. Newbie class is just charge in and hack, so theres no technique there. Given this I will start at swordsman. Swordsman are a bit unique. If you go by the popular and fastest route to your target archetype, you will be pumping pure agi until you get to your target. This is effective in setting up your crusader but leaves you weak in ways: Low def/HP, low melee dmg, and low hit rate/accuracy. For these reasons the swordsman will rely on illusion slash and berserk to boost his aspd to add in more hits in order to make up for his low hit rate/dmg. The swordsman will try illusion slash once, stay back away from aggro range, send another IS, and then charge in for melee dmg to finish the monster off if necessary. If you are able to effectively tank the monster (ie it misses and you can do decent dmg to it) then charge in, use your illusion slash, and then hack away. But in most cases, a swordsman will not have sufficient dodge to tank effectively against mobs. Mostly you will try to take mobs 1 on 1 to avoid unnecessary death and exp loss.

A great move for lower lvls and can be used throughout your time as a crusader when mobs are difficult is (what I like to call) fishing. There may be a group of monster together but you can't tank that many at once. So you decide you need to take them 1 on 1. Simply get just close enough to them group so that your Illusion Slash can reach, but you are still out of aggro range. Hit the mob you want to kill with your IS and back off a bit. Watch as the mob follows you away from its friends and into your trap. You have "fished" him out of the group and isolated it for an easy kill. Remember this because its a great method to use throughout the entire game.

At 40+ training kind of changes a bit. A Maxed Dual Sword Mastery has doubled your min/max dmg, your new armors add better def/PR, and your greaves add a tremendous amount of dodge. These put together all you to kill faster and tank more efficiently. This isn't to say you are superman, you're more like the flash but made out of paper. But given this you can add a higher concentration on melee dmg (since you can dodge enemy attacks more frequently) and you will be able to kill them before they inflict TOO much damage on you. As you train as a crusader your main style will be to lead with an illusion slash then pound them with melee dmg. With a proper build and good equips at higher lvls, you should be able to take 1/2 to 3/4 of the mobs HP with 1 illusion slash and quickly finish them off with a minimal amount of melee attacks. The usual kill time per mob for a crusader should be around 2-5 seconds. Newly made crusaders and those around lvl 50ish, may not be able to kill exactly this fast, but try to stick with it and choose mobs that are efficient for leveling. I will elaborate more on efficient mob selection later.

Some mobs you fight may have a higher amount of HP. Yetis in icile or Lizards in Lone Tower are good examples of these. If they still have a considerable amount of HP left and your Illusion Slash has regenerated, slash them again. Do whatever you must to kill faster. But if the mob is close to death and can be finished in 2-3 more melee attacks, don't waste your illusion slash. Save it for the next mob you fight and spare yourself the wait for the next cool down.

Since crusaders learn stun, it can be used to their advantage while training. This first method is employed on powerful mobs that tend to break through your high dodge rate. It is simply striking your mob with an illusion slash then shadow slash in rapid sucession. If done correctly the mob will be blasted with IS and be frozen in place immediately after. This will allow you a few seconds (depending on your Shadow Slash level) to hack at them and reduce the damage you take while fighting them. Use this techique wisely as Shadow Slash has a long cool down and you don't want to end up in a situation where you need shadow slash to escape but are stuck without it because you just used it on the last mob. This combo can also be used in conjunction with stealth so you can sneak up on the enemy, slash them, then stun them before they can ever get you. That is the perfect way to get revenge on a Fox Spirit on Spring after they just pwnd you. Actually that should be the ONLY method used if you ever decide to attempt to melee attack a Fox Spirit on Spring. But to avoid this problem, leave Spring to the ladies.....Its their Utopia -.-

A more advanced fighting technique is using Shadow Slash in a group to allow you to tank. Let say you are training on Fortune and you can tank mobs 1 on 1 or maybe even 2 on 2 but for a short time. If you see 2 mobs close together you can simply run up, nail the mob you want to kill first with your illusion slash, and then immediately after stun the second mob. This gives you a short window of time to kill the first mob while the second one remains incapacitated. The good thing is that the second mob has taken damage from your stun and by the time you kill the first one, your illusion slash is ready again to blast the second before or just after it becomes unstunned. It is the same with a group of 3 as well; slash one, stun one, kill the first, and move to the second. Maybe you can tank 2 at once but not the third and this is what you need to take out a group of 3.


You have a particular role in bossing. You are there to nuke with your illusion slash and use shadow slash to stun. With the right number of crusaders a stun rotation can really reduce the amount of damage your party will take. Also, if you know your own stun times well enough, you will be able to stun and allow your team of crusaders to charge in for temporary melee dmg before retreating. The last part is VERY risky and often not advisable uless you have other crusaders waiting behind you to stun the boss. But most importantly, work out a stun rotation with the other crusaders and listen to your party members. Fill the role you are given in the party and try to stay alive.


Vs Crusader

To me there is a certain code of ethics when 2 crusaders fight, and that is no stun and no stealth. This of course can be broken when the person is 10-15 lvls below you. But if you are both close in level, then its basically who has the more powerful illusion slash. Simply charge in and be the first to hit the other with your illusion slash. Then if there your opponent is still standing charge in for melee damage until your illusion slash has cooled down for second shot. If you both survive the first shot it usually comes down to who can get the second one off first.

Vs Voyagers

Usually its just stealth your way in then use your stun slash. Hopefully you have not run into a convoy or if you have, you can break their defenses. The trick is to avoid their conch ray while you come in. If you are hit by it, you will be un-stealthed and vulnerable.

Vs Seal Masters

Seal masters can be tricky as they can see you on your way in even while stealthed (true sight) and can seal you. If its possible to lure them away from true sight then good luck. If not, you will have to IS them before being sealed then hope you can melee them to death before their bolts take you down. If you can stun one then you can usually take them out easily.

Vs Clerics

You MAY be on better footing against a cleric than a SM. Clerics do still have true sight, so they will see you if you get too close to that evil eye, but they lack seals to prevent stun and illusion slash. The only real problem is that they have Energy shield. If the cleric has a top shelf ES, you will have to break it before you damage them. Hopefully you can get in and your illusion slash breaks their ES. If it does NOT, then you will have to stun and hope your melee can break ES before your stun runs out.

Sharp Shooter

Unless you have agreed to not use stealth then this will be an easy match. They will attempt to use magma bullet to unstealth you but it will be futile. Magma Bullet usually dissipates rather quickly so you can wait it out, sneak in, slash, stun, and kill. Most sharp shooters do not have a lot of con so a crusader with a lot of STR should be able to take them out relatively quickly.

Vs Champions

You better hope you can break fatso's defenses and overcome his HP regen. If he sits and you can't keep him sliding back then you are finished. Little things to help your cause would be to stun him while hes still standing, that way he can't sit for a few secs and you take away energy without that insane regen. Whatever you do, don't go stealthing around. If you can't break his defenses then just take your equips off and lay down. Save both of you the time and struggle of your low STR.

What I have done here is mapped out guidelines. Little general tips but not a step by step. Its up to you to learn your own adv



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