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How To add hot key to remove chat window...XD

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How To add hot key to remove chat window...XD Empty How To add hot key to remove chat window...XD

Post  karabau Mon Jan 26, 2009 12:16 am

1) Changing the fonts

In the scripts/lua/font.clu file there is information of all the fonts used in game (heh, only 5) and surprise, surprise! You can edit it! The contents are:

-- ´´½¨×ÖÌå,²ÎÊýdwStyleΪÒÔÏÂÈýÖÖÇé¿öµÄ¾ÛºÏ: 0x0001-´ÖÌå,0x0002-бÌå,0x0004-´øÏ»®️Ïß,Ϊ0ÊÇÕý³£Ìå
function UI_CreateFont( font, size800, size1024, dwStyle )
return CLU_Call("UI_CreateFont", font, size800, size1024, dwStyle )

DEFAULT_FONT = UI_CreateFont( "simsun", 12, 12, 0 )
FONT14 = UI_CreateFont( "simsun", 13, 13, 0 )
FONT16 = UI_CreateFont( "simsun", 13, 13, 1 )
BIGFONT = UI_CreateFont( "simsun", 48, 48, 0 )
ARIAL_FONT = UI_CreateFont( "simsun", 12, 12, 0 )
To change a font type, just edit the values inside the ().
The syntax is:

( "FONT TYPE" , SIZE AT 800x600 RESOLUTION , SIZE AT 1024x786 RESOLUTION , 0 or 1)

I'm not sure about the last one, but from what I can understand, "1" makes the font have more quality, but also require more CPU.

2) Font Colors
Open the file "scripts/lua/gui.clu" and look for these lines:

-- ÑÕÉ«
COLOR_BLACK = 4278190080
COLOR_RED = 4294901760
COLOR_WHITE = 4294967295
COLOR_PURPLE = 4293990336 -- ×ÏÉ«


Those are the default colors. To change them, just change the number after the "=".

3) Adding Hotkeys (to open/close Windows ONLY)
Reopen the file "scripts/lua/gui.clu" and scroll to the bottom.
After the last line, add this:

UI_FormSetHotKey( frmItem, ALT_KEY, HOTKEY_E )
In this example, you could change the hotkey that opens the items window.
Syntax is:


List of forms will come in a bit.
Special key is, ALT_KEY, CTRL_KEY or SHIFT_KEY.
The normal key consists of HOTKEY_* being * a letter (a to z)

Some forms are:
frmItem - Inventory
frmSkill - Skills
frmMission - Quests

If you need any other, tell me, I'll see if I can find it lying around.
NOTE: There are other forms that do work, but most will be useless.

i found a way to remove the chat window if you don't like it very much. If you open up the "\scripts\lua\forms\main.clu" file and search for "UI_FormSetHotKey( frmMain800, ALT_KEY, HOTKEY_X )" (without the quotes) it has a -- infront if it. Removing the -- will allow you to press Alt+X to remove and bring back the chat window. I have to wonder while they didn't allow it in the first place.

I've also found a few more windows to remove:
Hotkey window: Search for "UI_FormSetHotKey( frmFast, ALT_KEY, HOTKEY_T )" and remove the -- before it. Now you can press Alt+T to remove an bring back the hotkey bar.

Settings bar: Search for "UI_FormSetHotKey( frmMainFun, ALT_KEY, HOTKEY_D )" and remove the -- before it. Now you can press Alt+D to remove and bring back that bar in the bottom right corner with buttons to open your inventory or friends list.

PhuaChuuKang...^_^ Shocked cheers afro

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